- The lowest tax system in the European Union at 10 % on taxable profits
- One of the most favorable Holding company jurisdiction(even a small holding of 1 % in foreign companies entitles the Cyprus Holding company to enjoy substantial tax benefits)
- Availability of Group losses relief without any time restrictions, under certain conditions
- No withholding tax on dividends paid to non-residents shareholders
- Exemption from taxation of capital gains apart from the disposal of immovable property situated in the Republic of Cyprus
- A sophisticated network of double tax treaties in operation
- Sales of shares and securities are tax free
- No taxation on dividend income
- VAT optional registration allowing them to claim back any VAT imposed on local expenditure and services offered
- Non resident companies are taxed only on the income derived in the Republic of Cyprus
- Salaries from services outside Cyprus for more than 90 days in a non-Cypriot resident employer or in the permanent establishment of a Cypriot resident employer are not taxed in Cyprus
- Low income tax rates for expatriates
- No inheritance tax